
The tripledemic is causing a surge in pediatric respiratory illness requiring emergency care. Sadly, only 55% of children live within 30 minutes of a pediatric-ready emergency department. The strain is especially great in rural areas where access to pediatric specialists may be extremely limited. The reality is that 80% of pediatric patients are seen in a general emergency department rather than a children’s hospital. And, unfortunately, most general emergency departments do not see enough critically ill children to be confident in their policies, procedures, and equipment. 

Tegria’s Clinical Quality team recognizes the urgent need among caregivers everywhere for a refresher. So, we’ve put together this LinkedIn Live session to provide immediate, quick wins to improve your pediatric emergency readiness. This session is based on our onsite Macro-simulations that help providers of all sizes improve facility readiness and caregiver confidence in recognizing and treating pediatric respiratory emergencies.

Read more about how practicing your pediatric respiratory emergency response through onsite, multi-disciplinary simulation can improve your team’s confidence and communication here.

If you have any questions about onsite Macro-simulation trainings or want to schedule one for 2023, please contact our team.

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